Acivs 2015

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Museo Diocesano Acivs logo

Oct. 26-29, 2015

Museo Diocesano, Catania, Italy


Acivs 2015 Conference program

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Acivs 2015 is a conference focusing on techniques for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Acivs 2015 consists of four days of lecture sessions, both regular (25 mns) and invited presentations and two poster sessions. To ensure a large audience for each oral presentation or poster, there will be no parallel sessions.

Invited speakers

Acivs 2015 will feature the following invited talks:

Special session on large scale video processing and analysis

Computer vision and video processing have entered a new era in which the focus changes from the individual camera as an acquisition device to interconnected systems featuring many devices with distributed processing, large data rates, ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution and multiple imaging modalities.

The recent surge in European projects ( Panorama, Copcams, Image Capture of the Future...) illustrates not only a high level of research activity in this area but also a strong interest from industry. The goal of the special session is to liase between these actors, especially those involved in projects like these.

The special session will feature invited speakers from both industry and academia. Relevant regular papers, subjected to the regular peer review system, will also be considered.


If you wish to participate in the conference, please register online.

The conference fee includes the social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and social activities) and a copy of the LNCS conference proceedings.

The exact amount of the registration fee depends on whether or not you register early and on some other factors.

Before October. 10, 2015 After October. 10, 2015
Regular 550 € 650 €
IEEE Member 500 € 600 €
Student 300 € 400 €

Time schedule

Monday, October 26

08:30-12:00: Registration

09:00-09:15: Opening Session

09:15-10:15: Invited talk by Michael Tchagaspanian (CEA)

Paper 234: Smart Image Sensor for Advanced Use and New Applications

Author(s): Michael Tchagaspanian

10:15-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-12:25: Special Session: Large scale video processing and analysis - Part 1

Paper 232: Joint Optical Designing: Enhancing Optical Design by Image Processing Consideration

Author(s): J. Rollin, F. Diaz, MA. Burcklen, E. Mujic, C. Fontaine

Paper 237: Binary Code Generation for Multimedia Application on Embedded Platforms

Author(s): Henri-Pierre Charles

Paper 201: Solidarity Filter for Noise Reduction of 3D Edges in Depth Images

Author(s): Hani Javan Hemmat, Egor Bondarev and Peter H.N. de With

Paper 241: The ICAF Project : Image CApture of the Future

Author(s): Ljubomir Jovanov, Jochem Herrmann, Klaas Jan Damstra, Maarten Kuijk, Wilfried Philips, Hiep Luong, Bram Devuyst, Willem-Jan Dirks, Jean-Baptiste Lorent, Pieter Jonker, Philippe Bekaert and Roel Aerts

12:25-14:30: Lunch

14:30-15:30: Invited talk by Alessandro Capra (STMicroelectronics)

Paper 233: Computer Vision Applications and Their Industrial Exploitation

Author(s): Alessandro Capra

15:30-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-17:15: Special session: Large scale video processing and analysis - Part 2

Paper 231: Quasar - Unlocking the Power of Heterogeneous Hardware

Author(s): Jonas De Vylder, Bart Goossens

Paper 236: An Adaptive Framework for Imaging Systems

Author(s): Andreas Erik Hindborg, Lars Frydendal Bonnichsen, Nicklas Bo Jensen, Laust Brock-Nannestad, Christian W Probst, and Sven Karlsson

Paper 238: Goals and Directions of the Newly Started EXIST Project

Author(s): Piet De Moor, Andy Lambrechts, Jonathan Borremans, and Barun Dutta


Tuesday, October 27

08:30-12:00: Registration

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Prof. Raimondo Schettini (University of Milano Bicocca)

Paper 239: Image features for illuminant estimation and correction

Author(s): Raimondo Schettini

10:00-10:30: Coffee break

10:30-12:10: Low-Level Image Processing

Paper 126: BNRFBE Method for Blur Estimation in Document Images

Author(s): Cuong Van Kieu, Florence Cloppet and Nicole Vincent

Paper 150: Edge Width Estimation for Defocus Map from a Single Image

Author(s): Andrey Nasonov, Alexandra Nasonova and Andrey Krylov

Paper 121: RSD-DOG : A New Image Descriptor based on Second Order Derivatives

Author(s): Darshan Venkatrayappa, Philippe Montesinos, Daniel Diep and Baptiste Magnier

Paper 138: Ringing Artifact Suppression using Sparse Representation

Author(s): Alexey Umnov, Andrey Krylov and Andrey Nasonov

12:10-14:30: Lunch

14:30-16:00: Poster Session 1

16:00-16:30: Coffee break

16:30-18:10: Video Processing and Camera Networks

Paper 145: Towards a Bayesian Video Denoising Method

Author(s): Pablo Arias and Jean-Michel Morel

Paper 137: Collaborative, Context Based Activity Control Method for Camera Networks

Author(s): Marek Kraft, Michał Fularz and Adam Schmidt

Paper 203: EFIC: Edge based Foreground Background Segmentation and Interior Classification for Dynamic Camera Viewpoints

Author(s): Gianni Allebosch, Francis Deboeverie, Peter Veelaert and Wilfried Philips

Paper 155: A Unified Camera Calibration from Arbitrary Parallelograms and Parallepipeds

Author(s): Jae-Hean Kim and Jin Sung Choi

18.40-20:30: Guided tour of Catania city

Included in the registration fee.


Wednesday, October 28

08:30-12:00: Registration

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Prof. Gabriela Csurka (Xerox Research Centre Europe)

Paper 240: Domain Adaptation for Visual Applications

Author(s): Gabriela Csurka

10:00-10:30: Coffee break

10:30-12:35: Motion and Tracking

Paper 129: Cosine-Sine Modulated Filter Banks for Motion Estimation and Correction

Author(s): Marco Maass, Huy Phan, Anita Möller and Alfred Mertins

Paper 161: Fast and Robust Variational Optical Flow for High-Resolution Images using SLIC Superpixels

Author(s): Simon Donné, Jan Aelterman, Bart Goossens and Wilfried Philips

Paper 174: Depth-based Filtration for Tracking Boost

Author(s): David Chrápek, Vítězslav Beran and Pavel Zemčík

Paper 212: Robust Fusion of Trackers Using Online Drift Prediction

Author(s): Leang Isabelle, Stéphane Herbin, Benoît Girard and Jacques Droulez

Paper 227: Bootstrapping Computer Vision and Sensor Fusion for Absolute and Relative Vehicle Positioning

Author(s): Karel Janssen, Erwin Rademakers, Boulaid Bouikroune, Norddin El Ghouti and Richard Kleihorst

12:35-14:30: Lunch

14:30-16:00: Poster Session 2

16:00-16:30: Coffee break

16:30-18:35: Security, Forensics and Biometrics 1

Paper 135: Full-Body Human Pose Estimation by Combining Geodesic Distances and 3D-Point Cloud Registration

Author(s): Sebastian Handrich and Ayoub Al-Hamadi

Paper 194: A Graph Based People Silhouette Segmentation using Combined Probabilities Extracted from Appearance, Shape template Prior, and Color Distributions

Author(s): Christophe Coniglio, Cyril Meurie, Olivier Lézoray and Marion Berbineau

Paper 141: Improved Region-Based Kalman Filter (IRKF) for Tracking Body Joints and Evaluating Gait in Surveillance Videos

Author(s): Binu M Nair and Kimberly D Kendricks

Paper 132: A Predictive Model for Human Activity Recognition by Observing Actions and Context

Author(s): Dennis Romero, Anselmo Frizera, Angel D. Sappa, Boris X. Vintimilla and Teodiano F. Bastos

Paper 230: Direct Image Alignment for Active Near Infrared Image Differencing

Author(s): Jinwoo Kang, David Anderson and Monson Hayes

20:00-23:00: Conference dinner

Included in the registration fee.


Thursday, October 29

08:30-12:00: Registration

09:00-10:15: Security, Forensics and Biometrics 2

Paper 140: Distance-based Descriptors for Pedestrian Detection

Author(s): Radovan Fusek and Eduard Sojka

Paper 124: Spatiotemporal Integration of Optical Flow Vectors for Micro-Expression Detection

Author(s): Devangini Patel, Guoying Zhao and Matti Pietikäinen

Paper 151: Unified System for Visual Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification

Author(s): Ahmed Rekik, Achraf Ben-Hamadou and Walid Mahdi

10:15-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-12:25: Depth and 3D

Paper 204: What does one Image of One Ball Tell Us about the Focal Length?

Author(s): Rudi Penne, Bart Ribbens, Luc Mertnes and Paul Levrie

Paper 134: Visual Localisation from Structureless Rigid Models

Author(s): Guido Manfredi, Michel Devy and Daniel Sidobre

Paper 160: Optical Sensor Tracking and 3D-Reconstruction of Hydrogen-Induced Cracking

Author(s): Christian Freye, Christian Bendicks, Erik Lilienblum and Ayoub Al-Hamadi

Paper 179: Plane Extraction For Indoor Scene Recognition

Author(s): Ciro Potena, Alberto Pretto, Domenico Daniele Bloisi and Daniele Nardi

12:25-14:30: Lunch

14:30-16:10: Multidimensional Signal Processing

Paper 128: Improvement of a Wavelet-Tensor Denoising Algorithm by Automatic Rank Estimation

Author(s): Julien Marot and Salah Bourennane

Paper 154: Minimizing the Impact of Signal-Dependent Noise on Hyperspectral Target Detection

Author(s): Josselin Juan, Salah Bourennane and Caroline Fossati

Paper 120: Edge Detection Method Based on Signal Subspace Dimension for Hyperspectral Images

Author(s): Caroline Fossati, Salah Bourennane and Alexis Cailly

Paper 182: Dictionary-Based Compact Data Representation for Very High Resolution Earth Observation Image Classification

Author(s): Corina Vaduva, Florin-Andrei Georgescu and Mihai Datcu

16:10-16:40: Coffee break

16:40-18:45: Classification and Recognition

Paper 185: Image Analysis and Microscopy in Food Science: Computer Vision and Visual Inspection

Author(s): Gaetano Impoco

Paper 219: Semantic Shape Models for Leaf Species Identification

Author(s): Olfa Mzoughi, Itheri Yahiaoui, Nozha Boujemaa and Ezzeddine Zagrouba

Paper 157: Multi-Distinctive MSER Features and their Descriptors: A Low-complexity Tool for Image Matching

Author(s): Andrzej Sluzek

Paper 188: Spatio-Temporal Object Recognition

Author(s): Roeland De Geest, Francis Deboeverie, Wilfried Philips and Tinne Tuytelaars

Paper 149: Image Recognition in UAV Application Based on Texture Analysis

Author(s): Dan Popescu and Loretta Ichim


Tuesday, October 27 - Posters

14:30-16:00: Poster Session 1

Paper 152: Human Machine Interaction via Visual Speech Spotting

Author(s): Ahmed Rekik, Achraf Ben-Hamadou and Walid Mahdi

Paper 171: Adaptive Scale Selection for Multiscale Image Denoising

Author(s): Federico Angelini, Vittoria Bruni, Ivan Selesnick and Domenico Vitulano

Paper 111: Bayesian Fusion of Back Projected Probabilities (BFBP): Co-occurrence Descriptors for Tracking in Complex Environments

Author(s): Mark M Moyou, Koffi E Ihou, Rana Haber, Anthony Smith, Adrian Peter, Kevin Fox and Rhonda Henning

Paper 130: Motion Compensation based on Robust Global Motion Estimation: Experiments and Applications

Author(s): Mathieu Pouzet, Patrick Bonnin, Jean Laneurit and Cédric Tessier

Paper 178: Fast and Low Power Consumption Outliers Removal for Motion Vector Estimation

Author(s): Giuseppe Spampinato, Arcangelo Bruna, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Sebastiano Battiato and Giovanni Puglisi

Paper 158: Two-Stage filtering scheme for Sparse Representation based Interest Point Matching for Person Re-identification

Author(s): Mohamed Ibn Khedher and Mounim A. El Yacoubi

Paper 162: Embedded System Implementation for Vehicle Around View Monitoring

Author(s): Daw-Tung Lin and Wan-Jhen Lo

Paper 166: Soft Biometrics by Modeling Temporal Series of Gaze Cues Extracted in the Wild

Author(s): Dario Cazzato, Marco Leo, Andrea Evangelista and Cosimo Distante

Paper 173: Online Face Recognition System based on Local Binary Patterns and Facial Landmark Tracking

Author(s): Marko Linna, Juho Kannala and Esa Rahtu

Paper 175: Automatic Detection of Social Groups in Pedestrian Crowds

Author(s): sultan sultan khan, Giuseppe vizzari, Stefania Bandini and Saleh Basalamah

Paper 200: A Minimax Framework for Gender Classification based on small-sized datasets

Author(s): Marco Del Coco, Pierluigi Carcagni, Marco Leo and Cosimo Distante

Paper 205: Towards More Natural Social Interactions of Visually Impaired Persons

Author(s): Carrato Sergio, Fenu Gianfranco, Medvet Eric, Mumolo Enzo, Pellegrino Felice Andrea and Ramponi Giovanni

Paper 207: A Mobile Application for Braille to Black Conversion

Author(s): Giovanni Maria Filippo Farinella, Paolo Filippo Leonardi and Filippo Filippo Stanco

Paper 208: Tooth Segmentation Algorithm for Age Estimation

Author(s): Mauro Bacaloni, Pierluigi Maponi and Roberto Cameriere

Paper 217: Head Roll Estimation using Horizontal Energy Maximization

Author(s): Nam Jun Pyun and Nicole Vincent

Paper 168: Multiple Description Coding for Multi-view Video

Author(s): Jing Chen, Canhui Cai, Xiaolan Wang, Huanqiang Zeng and Kai-Kuang Ma

Paper 195: Buffering Hierarchical Representation of Color Video Streams for Interactive Object Selection

Author(s): François Merciol and Sébastien Lefèvre

Paper 199: An H.264 Sensor Aided Encoder for Aerial Vdeo Sequences with in-the-Loop Metadata Enhancement

Author(s): Luca Cicala, Cesario Vincenzo Angelino, Nadir Raimondo, Enrico Baccaglini and Marco Gavelli

Paper 215: Time Ordering Shuffling for Improving Background Subtraction

Author(s): Benjamin Laugraud, Philippe Latour and Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Paper 220: A Generic Feature Selection Method for Background Subtraction Using Global Foreground Models

Author(s): Marc Braham and Marc Van Droogenbroeck


Wednesday, October 28 - Posters

14:30-16:00: Poster Session 2

Paper 102: Patch-based Mathematical Morphology for Image Processing, Segmentation and Classification

Author(s): Olivier Lézoray

Paper 109: Unsupervised Salient Object Matting

Author(s): Jaehwan Kim and Jongyoul Park

Paper 116: Analysis of Hvs-Metrics’ Properties Using Color Image Database Tid2013

Author(s): Nikolay Ponomarenko, Vladimir Lukin, Jaakko Astola and Karen Egiazarian

Paper 148: Color Image Quality Assessment based on Gradient Similarity and Distance Transform

Author(s): Zianou Ahmed Seghir and Fella Hachouf

Paper 169: Cascaded Regressions of Learning Features for Face Alignment

Author(s): Ngoc-Trung Tran, Fakhreddine Ababsa, Sarra Ben Fredj and Maurice Charbit

Paper 209: Toward A Universal Stereo Image Quality Metric Without Reference

Author(s): aladine chetouani

Paper 223: A Comparison of Multi-Scale Local Binary Pattern Variants for Bark Image Retrieval

Author(s): Safia Boudra, Itheri Yahiaoui and Ali Behloul

Paper 114: Single Image Visual Obstacle Avoidance for Low Power Mobile Sensing

Author(s): Levente Kovacs

Paper 164: Exploring Protected Nature through Multimodal Navigation of Multimedia Contents

Author(s): Giovanni Signorello, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Giovanni Gallo, Luciano Santo, Antonino Lopes and Emanuele Scuderi

Paper 167: Sphere-Tree Semi-Regular Remesher

Author(s): Mejda Chihaoui, Akram Elkefi, Wajdi Bellil and Chokri Ben Amar

Paper 183: A Trust Region Optimization Method for Fast 3D Spherical Configuration in Morphing Processes

Author(s): Naziha Dhibi, Akram Elkefi, Wajdi Bellil and Chokri Ben Amar

Paper 186: ROS-based SLAM for a Gazebo-Simulated Mobile Robot in image-Based 3D Model of Indoor Environment

Author(s): Ilya M. Afanasyev, Artur G. Sagitov and Evgeni A. Magid

Paper 214: A Game Engine as a Generic Platform for Real-Time Previz-on-Set in Cinema Visual Effects

Author(s): Timothée De Goussencourt, Jean Dellac and Pascal Bertolino

Paper 104: On Optimal Illumination for Dovid Description using Photometric Stereo

Author(s): Daniel Soukup, Svorad Stolc and Reinhold Huber-Mörk

Paper 106: Secure Signal Processing using Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Author(s): Thomas M Shortell and Ali Shokoufandeh

Paper 110: On Blind Source Camera Identification

Author(s): Giovanni Maria Farinella, Mario Valerio Giuffrida, Vincenzo Digiacomo and Sebastiano Battiato

Paper 117: Content-Fragile Commutative Watermarking-Encryption Based on Pixel Entropy

Author(s): Roland Schmitz, Shujun Li, Christos Grecos and Xinpeng Zhang

Paper 123: Improving Kinect-Skeleton Estimation

Author(s): Valcik Jakub, Sedmidubsky Jan and Zezula Pavel

Paper 127: A PNU-based Technique to Detect Forged Regions in Digital Images

Author(s): Giuseppe Cattaneo, Umberto Ferraro Petrillo, Gianluca Roscigno and Carmine De Fusco

Paper 131: Age and Gender Characterization through a Two Layer Clustering of Online Handwriting

Author(s): Gabriel Marzinotto, José C. Rosales, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi and Sonia Garcia-Salicetti

Paper 133: A Task-Driven Eye Tracking Dataset for Visual Attention Analysis

Author(s): Yingyue Xu, Xiaopeng Hong, Qiuhai He, Guoying Zhao and Matti Pietikäinen


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