Acivs 2010

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Photo: Sally Mayman, Courtesy of Tourism New South Wales Acivs logo

Dec. 13-16, 2010

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Acivs 2010 Conference program

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The proceedings of Acivs 2010 are available on line as two volumes: LNCS 6474 and LNCS 6475.

Acivs 2010 is a conference focusing on techniques for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Acivs 2010 consists of four days of lecture sessions, both regular (25 mns) and invited presentations and two poster sessions. To ensure a large audience for each oral presentation or poster, there will be no parallel sessions.

Acivs 2010 also features a social program consisting of a conference dinner (held on a boat, during a 3-hour Sydney Harbour cruise. It is organised by "Magistic Cruises"), and a social activity (Visit to Taronga Zoo, or alternative event in case of inclement weather).


Some of the topics covered by this year's conference are:

Invited speakers

Acivs 2010 will feature the following invited talks:


If you wish to participate in the conference, please register online.

The conference fee includes the social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and social activity) and a copy of the LNCS conference proceedings. The exact amount depends on whether or not you register early and on some other factors.

On or before October 15, 2010 After October 15, 2010
Regular 790 AU$ 890 AU$
IEEE Member 690 AU$ 790 AU$
Student 590 AU$ 690 AU$


Time schedule

Monday, December 13

08:00-12:00: Registration

08:45-09:00: Opening Session

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Mubarak Shah

Paper 251: UAV Video Analysis

Author(s): Mubarak Shah

10:00-10:20: Morning Tea

10:20-12:00: Surveillance

Paper 113: Fire Detection in Color Images using Markov Random Fields

Author(s): David Van Hamme, Peter Veelaert, Wilfried Philips and Kristof Teelen

Paper 248: Fast Depth Saliency From Stereo For Region-Based Artificial Visual Attention

Author(s): Muhammad Zaheer Aziz and Bärbel Mertsching

Paper 138: A Virtual Curtain for the Detection of Humans and Access Control

Author(s): Olivier Barnich, Sébastien Piérard and Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Paper 245: Evaluation of Human Detection Algorithms in Image Sequences

Author(s): Yannick Benezeth, Baptiste Hemery, Hélène Laurent, Bruno Emile and Christophe Rosenberger

12:00-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:45: Segmentation

Paper 126: A Fast External Force Field for Parametric Active Contour Segmentation

Author(s): Jonas De Vylder, Koen Douterloigne and Wilfried Philips

Paper 196: The Extraction Of Venation From Leaf Images By Evolved Vein Classifiers And Ant Colony Algorithms

Author(s): James S Cope, Paolo Remagnino, Sarah Barman and Paul Wilkin

Paper 246: Noise-Robust Method for Image Segmentation

Author(s): Ivana Despotovic, Vedran Jelaca, Ewout Vansteenkiste and Wilfried Philips

14:45-16:00: 3D and Depth

Paper 122: Modeling Wavelet Coefficients for Wavelet Subdivision Transforms of 3D Meshes

Author(s): Shahid M Satti, Leon Denis, Adrian Munteanu, Jan Cornelis and Peter Schelkens

Paper 212: Surface Reconstruction of Wear in Carpets by Using a Wavelet Edge Detector

Author(s): Sergio A. Orjuela Vargas, Benhur Ortiz Jaramillo, Simon De Meulemeester, Julio C. Garcia Alvarez, Filip Rooms, Aleksandra Pizurica and Wilfried Philips

Paper 168: Fusing Large Volumes of Range and Image Data for Accurate Description of Realistic 3D Scenes

Author(s): Yuk Hin Chan, Georgy Gimel'farb, Patrice Delmas and Robert Valkenburg

16:00-16:20: Break

16:20-18:00: Recognition and Tracking

Paper 241: An Appearance-Based Prior for Hand Tracking

Author(s): Mathias Kölsch

Paper 111: Image Recognition through Incremental Discriminative Common Vectors

Author(s): Díaz-Chito Katerine, Ferri J Francesc and Díaz-Villanueva Wladimiro

Paper 124: Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition using Boosted Component-Based Spatiotemporal Features and Multi-Classifier Fusion

Author(s): Xiaohua Huang, Guoying Zhao, Matti Pietikainen and wenming Zheng

Paper 217: Gender Classification on Real-Life Faces

Author(s): Caifeng Shan


Tuesday, December 14

08:00-10:00: Registration

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Richard Kleihorst (VITO, Belgium)

Paper 252: Remote sensing options

Author(s): Richard Kleihorst

10:00-10:20: Morning Tea

10:20-12:00: Remote Sensing

Paper 178: Estimating 3D Polyhedral Building Models by Registering Aerial Images

Author(s): Fadi Dornaika and Karim Hammoudi

Paper 153: Content-Based Retrieval of Aurora Images Based on the Hierarchical Representation

Author(s): Soo K Kim and Heggere S Ranganath

Paper 125: Improved Grouping and Noise Cancellation for Automatic Lossy Compression of AVIRIS Images

Author(s): Nikolay Ponomarenko, Vladimir Lukin, Mikhail Zriakhov and Arto Kaarna

Paper 250: New Saliency Point Detection and Evaluation Methods for Finding Structural Differences in Remote Sensing Images of Long Time-Span Samples

Author(s): Andrea Kovacs and Tamas Sziranyi

12:00-13:05: Lunch

13:15-18:00: Visit to Taronga Zoo, or alternative event in case of inclement weather

Included in the registration fee.


Wednesday, December 15

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Richard Hartley (Australian National University)

Paper 253: Convex and Discrete optimization techniques in Computer Vision

Author(s): Richard Hartley

10:00-10:20: Morning Tea

10:20-12:00: Vision

Paper 218: A Template Matching And Ellipse Modeling Approach To Detecting Lane Markers

Author(s): Amol Borkar, Monson Hayes and Mark T Smith

Paper 234: An Analysis of the Road Signs Classification Based on the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of the Deformable Pattern Tensors

Author(s): Boguslaw Cyganek

Paper 151: An Effective Rigidity Constraint for Improving RANSAC in Homography Estimation

Author(s): David Monnin, Etienne Bieber, Gwenaël Schmitt and Armin Schneider

Paper 188: Exploiting Neighbors for Faster Scanning Window Detection in Images

Author(s): Pavel Zemcik, Michal Hradis and Adam Herout

12:00-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:45: Poster Session 1

14:45-16:00: Algorithms and Optimisations

Paper 197: Learning to Adapt: a Method For Automatic Tuning of Algorithm Parameters

Author(s): Jamie Sherrah

Paper 207: Non-maximum Suppression Using fewer than Two Comparisons per Pixel

Author(s): Tuan Q Pham

Paper 213: A GPU-Accelerated Real-Time NLMeans Algorithm for Denoising Color Video Sequences

Author(s): Bart Goossens, Hiep Luong, Jan Aelterman, Aleksandra Pizurica and Wilfried Philips

16:00-16:20: Break

16:20-18:00: Video Processing

Paper 220: Video Quality Analysis for Concert Video Mashup Generation

Author(s): Prarthana Shrestha, Hans Weda, Mauro Barbieri and Peter H.N. H.N. de With

Paper 240: Speeding Up Structure From Motion on Large Scenes using Parallelizable Partitions

Author(s): Koen Douterloigne, Sidharta Gautama and Wilfried Philips

Paper 142: Mapping GOPs in an Improved DVC to H.264 Video Transcoder

Author(s): Alberto Corrales-Garcia, Gerardo Fernandez-Escribano and Jose Quiles

Paper 179: Scalable H.264 Wireless Video Transmission over MIMO-OFDM Channels

Author(s): Manu Bansal, Mohammad Jubran and Lisimachos P Kondi

19:30-23:30: Harbour Cruise and Conference dinner

Included in the registration fee.


Thursday, December 16

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by David Suter (Adelaide University, Australia)

Paper 254: Image Analysis - is it just applied statistical analysis and approximation theory?

Author(s): David Suter

10:00-10:20: Morning Tea

10:20-12:00: Distributed Cameras

Paper 189: Recognizing Objects in Smart Homes based on Human Interaction

Author(s): Chen Wu and Hamid Aghajan

Paper 132: Football Players Classification in a Multi-camera Environment

Author(s): Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Paolo Spagnolo, Marco Leo and Tiziana D'Orazio

Paper 247: SUNAR: Surveillance Network Augmented by Retrieval

Author(s): Petr Chmelar, Ales Lanik and Jozef Mlich

Paper 137: Object Tracking over Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras using Visual, Spatial and Temporal Similarities

Author(s): Daniel Wedge, Adele F Scott, Zhonghua Ma and Jeroen Vendrig

12:00-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:45: Poster Session 2

14:45-16:00: Medical Applications

Paper 144: Segmentation of Inter-Neurons in Three Dimensional Brain Imagery

Author(s): Gervase Tuxworth, Adrian C B Meedeniya and Michael Blumenstein

Paper 219: Trabecular Bone Anisotropy Characterization using 1D Local Binary Patterns

Author(s): Lotfi Houam, Adel Hafiane, Rachid Jennane, Abdelhani Boukrouche and Eric Lespessailles

Paper 239: Automated Segmentation of Endoscopic Images Based on Local Shape-Adaptive Filtering and Color Descriptors

Author(s): Artur Klepaczko and Piotr Szczypinski

16:00-16:20: Break

16:20-18:00: Edge Detection

Paper 131: Adaptive Constructive Polynomial Fitting

Author(s): Francis Deboeverie, Kristof Teelen, Peter Veelaert and Wilfried Philips

Paper 222: Long-Range Inhibition in Reaction-Diffusion Algorithms Designed for Edge Detection and Stereo Disparity Detection

Author(s): Atsushi Nomura, Makoto Ichikawa, Koichi Okada and Hidetoshi Miike

Paper 177: An Edge-Sensing Universal Demosaicing Algorithm

Author(s): Alain Horé and Djemel Ziou

Paper 215: Combining Geometric Edge Detectors for Feature Detection

Author(s): Michael Heyvaert, David Van Hamme, Jonas Coppens and Peter Veelaert


Wednesday, December 15 - Posters

13:30-14:45: Poster session 1

Paper 108: Optimisation-Based Image Grid Smoothing for SST Images

Author(s): Guillaume Noel, Karim Djouani and Yskandar Hamam

Paper 110: Dense Stereo Matching From Separated Views of Wide-Baseline Images

Author(s): Qian Zhang and King Ngi Ngan

Paper 112: Regularized Kernel Locality Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition

Author(s): Xiaohua Gu, Weiguo Gong, Liping Yang and Weihong Li

Paper 225: Recognizing Human Actions by using Spatio-Temporal Motion Descriptors

Author(s): Ákos Utasi and Andrea Kovács

Paper 120: A Caustic Approach of Panoramic Image Analysis

Author(s): Siyuan Zhang and Emmanuel Zenou

Paper 121: Watershed Based Document Image Analysis

Author(s): Pasha Shadkami and Nicolas Bonnier

Paper 134: Spectral Matching Functions and Ellipse Mappings in Search for More Uniform Chromaticity and Color Spaces

Author(s): Maryam Pahjehfouladgaran and Arto Kaarna

Paper 135: Projection Selection Algorithms for Discrete Tomography

Author(s): László Varga, Péter Balázs and Antal Nagy

Paper 136: Real-Time Retrieval of Near-duplicate Fragments in Images and Video-clips

Author(s): Andrzej Sluzek and Mariusz Paradowski

Paper 146: An Efficient Mode Decision Algorithm for Combined Scalable Video Coding

Author(s): Tae-Jung Kim, Bo-Seok Seo and Jae-Won Suh

Paper 148: A New Approach of GPU Accelerated Visual Tracking

Author(s): Chuantao Zang and Koichi Hashimoto

Paper 154: 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Structured Circular Light Patterns

Author(s): Lee Deokwoo and Hamid Krim

Paper 156: Computing Saliency Map from Spatial Information in Point Cloud Data

Author(s): Oytun Akman and Pieter Jonker

Paper 158: A Practical Approach For Calibration of Omnidirectional Stereo Cameras

Author(s): Kang-San Lee, Kang Hyun-Soo and Hamid Gholamhosseini

Paper 173: Fast Mean Shift Algorithm Based on Discretisation and Interpolation

Author(s): Eduard Sojka, Jan Gaura, Tomas Fabian and Michal Krumnikl

Paper 176: A Novel Rate Control Method for H.264/AVC Based on frame complexity and importance

Author(s): Chen Haibing, Yu Mei, Shao Feng, Peng Zongju, Li Fucui and Jiang Gangyi

Paper 193: Digital Image Tamper Detection Based on Multimodal fusion of Residue Features

Author(s): Girija Chetty, Julian Goodwin and Monica Singh


Thursday, December 16 - Posters

13:30-14:45: Poster session 2

Paper 181: Toward the Detection of Urban Infrastructure Edge Shadows

Author(s): Cesar A Isaza, Joaquin Salas and Bogdan Raducanu

Paper 187: Neural Image Thresholding Using SIFT: A Comparative Study

Author(s): Ahmed Othman and Hamid Tizhoosh

Paper 195: A New System for Event Detection from Video Surveillance Sequences

Author(s): Ali Wali, Najib Ben Aoun, Hichem Karray, Chokri Ben Amar and Adel M. Alimi

Paper 199: A New Perceptual Edge Detector in Color Images

Author(s): Philippe Montesinos and Baptiste Magnier

Paper 202: Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure

Author(s): Xiangjian He, Daming Wei, Kin-Man Lam, Jianmin Li, Lin Wang, Wenjing Jia and Qiang Wu

Paper 203: Pseudo-Morphological Image Diffusion using the Counter-Harmonic Paradigm

Author(s): Jesus Angulo

Paper 204: Statistical Rail Surface Classification based on 2D and 2.5D Image Analysis

Author(s): Reinhold Huber-Mörk, Michael Nölle, Andreas Oberhauser and Edgar Fischmeister

Paper 205: Shape And Texture Based Plant Leaf Classification

Author(s): Thibaut Beghin, James S Cope, Paolo Remagnino and Sarah Barman

Paper 209: Augmented Reality with Human Body Interaction Based on Monocular 3D Pose Estimation

Author(s): Huei-Yung Lin and Ting-Wen Chen

Paper 211: Face Recognition using Contourlet Transform and Multidirectional Illumination from a Computer Screen

Author(s): Ajmal S Mian

Paper 223: Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval

Author(s): Zhen Liang, Fu Hong, Zheru Chi and Dagan Feng

Paper 227: Design of a Real-Time Embedded Stereo Smart Camera

Author(s): Frantz Pelissier and François Berry

Paper 229: Optimal Trajectory Space Finding for Nonrigid Structure From Motion

Author(s): Yuanqi Su, Yuehu Liu and Yang Yang

Paper 232: Hit-or-Miss Transform in Multivariate Images

Author(s): Santiago Velasco-Forero and Jesus Angulo

Paper 233: Topological SLAM Using Omnidirectional Images: Merging Feature Detectors and Graph-Matching

Author(s): Anna Romero and Miguel Cazorla

Paper 236: High Definition Feature Map for GVF Snake by Using Harris Function

Author(s): Andrea Kovacs and Tamas Sziranyi

Paper 242: Subjective Evaluation Of Image Quality Measures For White Noise Distorted Images

Author(s): Mansoor B. Atif and Anwar Adeel

Paper 244: Constraint Optimisation for Robust Image Matching with Inhomogeneous Photometric Variations and Affine Noise

Author(s): Al Shorin, Georgy Gimel'farb, Patrice Delmas and Patricia Riddle

Paper 249: Combined Retrieval Strategies for Images With and Without Distinct Objects

Author(s): Hong Fu, Zheru Chi and Dagan Feng


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