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Acivs 2008

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Organized by the SEE

October 20-24, 2008

Ambassadeur hotel, Juan-les-Pins, France

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Acivs 2008 Conference program

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Acivs 2008 is a conference focusing on techniques for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Acivs 2008 consists of four days of lecture sessions, both regular (25 mns) and invited presentations and two poster sessions. To ensure a large audience for each oral presentation or poster, there will be no parallel sessions.

Acivs 2008 also features a social program consisting of a conference dinner and other social activities.


Some of the topics covered by this year's conference are:

Invited speakers

Acivs 2008 will feature the following invited talks:

Acivs 2008 will feature a pre-conference tutorial. The tutorial will take place on Monday October 20, 2008. Details will be announced soon. Participants who register now without the tutorial will be able to additionally register for the tutorial at a later date if they wish to do so.


If you wish to participate in the conference, please register online.

The conference fee includes the social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and cultural activities) and a copy of the LNCS conference proceedings. The exact amount depends on whether or not you register early and on some other factors.

Time schedule

Monday, October 20

14:00-17:00: Registration

14:00-17:00: Tutorial and demos


Tuesday, October 21

08:00-12:00: Registration

09:00-09:15: Opening session

09:15-10:15: Invited talk by by Ivan Selesnick (Polytechnic University, NY, USA)

Paper 290: Geometrically oriented wavelet transforms using rational dilations

Author(s): Ivan Selesnick

10:15-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-12:00: Image and Video Coding

Paper 164: Performance analysis of generalized zerotree coders varying the maximum zerotree degree

Author(s): Luca Cicala

Paper 215: Passive Error Concealment for Wavelet Coded Images with Efficient Reconstruction of High-Frequency Content

Author(s): Joost Rombaut, Aleksandra Pizurica and Wilfried Philips

Paper 243: Applying Open-loop Coding in Predictive Coding Systems

Author(s): Adrian Munteanu, Frederik Verbist, Jan Cornelis and Peter Schelkens

12:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-16:05: Systems and Applications

Paper 109: Efficient and Flexible Cluster-and-Search for CBIR

Author(s): Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Jurandy Almeida, Mario A. Nascimento, Ricardo da Silva Torres and Siome Klein Goldenstein

Paper 112: An evaluation methodology for image mosaicing algorithms

Author(s): Pietro Azzari, Luigi Di Stefano, Federico Tombari and Stefano Mattoccia

Paper 113: High-speed acquisition and pre-processing of polarimetric image sequences

Author(s): Luc Gendre, Alban Foulonneau and Laurent Bigué

Paper 161: Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control

Author(s): Antonio López, Jörg Hilgenstock, Andreas Busse, Ramón Baldrich, Felipe Lumbreras and Joan Serrat

Paper 216: Fourier-Based Inspection of Free-Form Reflective Surfaces

Author(s): Yannick Caulier and Salah Bourennane

16:05-16:35: Coffee break

16:35-18:15: Video Processing

Paper 181: A Real-Time Vision System for Traffic Signs Recognition Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale

Author(s): Boguslaw Cyganek

Paper 182: Dynamic Selection of Characteristics for Feature Based Image Sequence Stabilization

Author(s): Hugo Jiménez and Joaquín Salas

Paper 225: Video-Based Fall Detection in the Home Using Principal Component Analysis

Author(s): Lykele Hazelhoff, Jungong Han and Peter H.N. De With

Paper 248: Fluid Flow Measurement in Thermographic Video Sequences by Wavelet-multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation

Author(s): Hugo Franco, Álvaro Perea, Eduardo Romero and Daniel Rodríguez

18:30-20:00: Welcoming reception at the Ambassadeur Hotel

Included in the registration fee.


Wednesday, October 22

08:30-09:30: Registration

09:00-10:00: Invited talk by Marc Antonini (CNRS et Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)

Paper 289: To be announced

Author(s): Marc Antonini

10:00-10:20: Coffee break

10:20-12:00: Filtering and Restoration

Paper 153: Image Denoising using Similarities in the Time-Scale Plane

Author(s): Vittoria Bruni and Domenico Vitulano

Paper 237: Video Denoising and Simplification via Discrete Regularization on Graphs

Author(s): Mahmoud Ghoniem, Youssef Chahir and Abderrahim Elmoataz

Paper 273: A Robust Method For Edge-preserving Image Smoothing

Author(s): Gang Dong, Kannappan Palaniappan

Paper 152: Atmospheric turbulence restoration by diffeomorphic image registration and blind deconvolution

Author(s): Jérôme Gilles, Tristan Dagobert and Carlo De Franchis

12:00-14:00: Lunch

14:30-19:00: Tour to the Observatory

Included in the registration fee.


Thursday, October 23

08:30-09:30: Registration

09:00-09:50: Segmentation and Feature Extraction (1)

Paper 119: A new algorithm for dominant point detection by quasi-collinear break points supression

Author(s): Ángel Carmona-Poyato, Nicolás Luis Fernández-García and Rafael Muñoz-Salinas

Paper 122: Robust curvature extrema detection based on new numerical derivation

Author(s): Cédric Join and Salvatore Tabbone

09:50-10:20: Coffee break

10:20-12:20: Poster Session 1

12:20-14:10: Lunch

14:10-15:10: Invited talk by Joisane Zérubia (INRIA Sophia Antipolis / ARIANA)

Paper 288: Marked point processes for object detection in high resolution images. Application to Earth observation and cartography

Author(s): Josiane Zerubia

15:10-16:25: Segmentation and Feature Extraction (2)

Paper 133: A geometric primitive extraction process for remote sensing problems

Author(s): Florent Lafarge, Georgy Gimel'farb and Xavier Descombes

Paper 135: Geodesic Active Contours with Combined Shape and Appearance Priors

Author(s): Rami Ben-Ari and Dror Aiger

Paper 137: Nonparametric level-set segmentation based on the minimization of the stochastic complexity

Author(s): Marc Allain, Nicolas Bertaux and Fredéric Galland

16:25-16:55: Coffee break

16:55-17:45: Segmentation and Feature Extraction (3)

Paper 144: Use of local surface curvature estimation for adaptive vision system based on active light projection

Author(s): Wanjing Li, Martin Böhler, Rainer Schütze, Franck S. Marzani, Yvon Voisin and Frank Boochs

Paper 235: Spatially-variant directional mathematical morphology operators based on a diffused average squared gradient field

Author(s): Rafael Verdú-Monedero and Jesus Angulo

19:00-22:00: Conference dinner

Included in the registration fee.


Friday October 24

08:30-09:30: Registration

09:00-10:15: Tracking, Scene Understanding and Computer Vision (1)

Paper 139: Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Based on Far Infrared Visual Information

Author(s): Daniel Olmeda, Cristina Hilario, Arturo de la Escalera and José María Armingol

Paper 157: Crowd Behavior Recognition for Video Surveillance

Author(s): Shobhit Saxena, Francois Bremond, Monique Thonnat and Ruihua Ma

Paper 174: A Robust Method for Filling Holes in 3D Meshes based on Image Restoration

Author(s): Pérez Emiliano, Salamanca Santiago, Merchán Pilar, Adán Antonio, Cerrada Carlos and Cambero Inocente

10:15-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-12:25: Tracking, Scene Understanding and Computer Vision (2)

Paper 236: A Comparison of Multiclass Svm Methods for Real World Natural Scenes

Author(s): Can Demirkesen and Hocine Cherifi

Paper 265: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering With Applications In Computer Vision

Author(s): Dimitris K Iakovidis, Nikos Pelekis, Evangelos Kotsifakos and Ioannis Kopanakis

Paper 278: Object Tracking Using Naive Bayesian Classifiers

Author(s): Nemanja Petrovic, Ljubomir Jovanov, Aleksandra Pizurica and Wilifried Philips

Paper 280: 3D Tracking Using Multi-View Based Particle Filters

Author(s): Raúl Mohedano, Narciso García, Luis Salgado and Fernando Jaureguizar

12:25-14:00: Lunch

14:00-16:00: Poster Session 2

16:00-16:30: Coffee break

16:30-17:45: Medical Imaging

Paper 268: Fuzzy Clustering and Active Contours for Histopathology Image Segmentation and Nuclei Detection

Author(s): Adel Hafiane, Filiz Bunyak and Kannapan Palaniappan

Paper 227: Mosaicing of Fibered Fluorescence Microscopy Video

Author(s): Steve De Backer, Frans Cornelissen, Jan Lemeire, Rony Nuydens, Theo Meert, Schelkens Peter and Paul Scheunders

Paper 115: Fusion of Multi-View Tissue Classification Based on Wound 3D Model

Author(s): Hazem Wannous, Yves Lucas, Sylvie Treuillet and Benjamin Albouy

18:00-19:30: Closing reception at the Ambassadeur Hotel

Included in the registration fee.


Thursday, October 23 - Posters

10:20-12:20: Poster session 1

Paper 110: Face Recognition using Symbolic KPCA Plus Symbolic LDA in the framework of Symbolic Data Analysis: Symbolic Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method

Author(s): Hiremath P.S and Prabhakar C.J

Paper 111: Motion Recovery for Uncalibrated Turntable Sequences Using Silhouettes and a Single Point

Author(s): Hui Zhang, Ling Shao and Kwan-Yee K. Wong

Paper 117: An Iterative Kalman Filter Approach to Camera Calibration

Author(s): Carlos Ricolfe-Viala and Antonio-José Sánchez-Salmerón

Paper 118: Face Recognition Using Parabola Edge Map

Author(s): Francis Deboeverie, Peter Veelaert, Kristof Teelen and Wilfried Philips

Paper 124: Spherical edge detector : application to omnidirectional imaging

Author(s): Stephanie Bigot, Djemaa Kachi and Sylvain Durand

Paper 128: Network Security Using Biometric And Cryptography

Author(s): Sandip Dutta, Abhijit Kar, N C Mahanti and B N Chatterji

Paper 129: Human Pose Estimation in Vision Networks via Distributed Local Processing and Nonparametric Belief Propagation

Author(s): Chen Wu and Hamid Aghajan

Paper 131: An efficient hardware architecture without line memories for morphological image processing

Author(s): Christophe Clienti, Michel Bilodeau and Serge Beucher

Paper 136: Effective Segmentation for Dental X-ray Images Using Texture-Based Fuzzy Inference System

Author(s): Yan-Hao Lai and Phen-Lan Lin

Paper 138: Model-Based Gait Recognition Using Multiple Feature Detection

Author(s): Donghyeon Kim, Daehee Kim and Joonki Paik

Paper 141: A New Segmentation Approach for Ear Recognition

Author(s): Sepehr Attarchi, Karim Faez, Aref Rafiei and Amir Roshan zamir

Paper 145: Video Object Segmentation based on Feedback Schemes guided by a Low-level Scene Ontology

Author(s): Álvaro García Martín and Jesús Bescós Cano

Paper 149: Robust Lip Contours Localization and Tracking Using Multi Features-Statistical Shape Models

Author(s): Quocdinh Nguyen and Maurice Mfilgram

Paper 150: Towards Fully Automatic Image Segmentation Evaluation

Author(s): Lutz Goldmann, Tomasz Adamek, Peter Vajda, Mustafa Karaman, Roland Mörzinger, Eric Galmar, Thomas Sikora, Noel E. O$\backslash{}$'Connor, Thien Ha-Minh, Touradj Ebrahimi, Peter Schallauer and Benoit Huet

Paper 155: 3D Face Recognition Evaluation on Expressive Faces Using the IV2 Database

Author(s): Joseph Colineau, Johan D$\backslash{}$'Hose, Boulbaba Ben Amor, Mohsen Ardabilian, Liming Chen and Bernadette Dorizzi

Paper 160: Embedding of a real time image stabilization algorithm on SoPC platform, a chip multi-processor approach

Author(s): Jean-Pierre Dérutin, Lionel Damez and Alexis Landrault

Paper 163: Semantic Map Generation from Satellite Images for Humanitarian Scenarios Applications

Author(s): Corina Vaduva, Daniela Faur, Anca Popescu, Inge Gavat and Mihai Datcu

Paper 166: Fast Saliency-Based Motion Segmentation Algorithm for an Active Vision System

Author(s): Mohamed Salah E.-N. Shafik and Baerbel Mertsching

Paper 169: Sequential Blind PSF Estimation and Restoration of Aerial Multispectral Images

Author(s): Pejman Rahmani, Benoît Vozel and Kacem Chehdi

Paper 170: Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection Systems Using Epipolar Geometry

Author(s): Christian Bräuer-Burchardt, Christoph Munkelt, Matthias Heinze, Peter Kühmstedt and Gunther Notni

Paper 172: An Effective Salience-Based Algorithm for Shape Matching

Author(s): Glauco Vitor Pedrosa, Cristiane Fátima Santos, Marcos Aurélio Batista, Henrique Coelho Fernandes and Celia A. Zorzo Barcelos

Paper 173: Reliable Eyelid Localization for Iris Recognition

Author(s): Mathieu Adam, Florence Rossant, Frederic Amiel, Beata Mikovikova and Thomas Ea

Paper 176: "Local Rank Differences" Image Feature Implemented on GPU

Author(s): Lukas Polok, Adam Herout, Pavel Zemcik, Michal Hradis, Roman Juranek and Radovan Josth

Paper 178: Head Pose Determination using Synthetic Images

Author(s): Kevin Bailly and Maurice Milgram

Paper 183: Real-time wavelet-spatial-activity-based adaptive video enhancement algorithm for fpga

Author(s): Vladimir Zlokolica, Mihajlo Katona, Manfred Juenke, Zoran Krajacevic, Nikola Teslic and Miodrag Temerinac

Paper 190: A Multicomponent Image Segmentation Framework

Author(s): Jef Driesen and Paul Scheunders

Paper 191: Adaptive metadata management system for distributed video content analysis

Author(s): Cyril Carincotte, Xavier Desurmont and Arnaud Bastide

Paper 192: An Interval-valued Fuzzy Morphological Model based on Lukasiewicz-Operators

Author(s): Mike Nachtegael, Peter Sussner, Tom Mélange and Etienne E. Kerre

Paper 193: Decision Trees in Binary Tomography for Supporting the Reconstruction of hv-Convex Connected Images

Author(s): Péter Balázs and Mihály Gara

Paper 194: Curvature Estimation and Curve Inference with Tensor Voting: a New Approach

Author(s): Gabriele Lombardi, Elena Casiraghi and Paola Campadelli

Paper 199: A New Ground Movement Compensation Approach for Obstacle Detection Using an In-Vehicle Camera

Author(s): Changhui Yang, Hitoshi Hongo and Shinichi Tanimoto

Paper 200: Multidimensional noise removal based on fourth order cumulants

Author(s): Damien Letexier, Salah Bourennane and Jacques Blanc-Talon

Paper 202: Attention-based Segmentation on an Image Pyramid Sequence

Author(s): Masayasu Atsumi

Paper 221: A Fast and Fully Automatic Ear Recognition Approach Based on 3D Local Surface Features

Author(s): Syed M. S. Islam, Rowan Davies, Ajmal S. Mian and Mohammed Bennamoun


Friday October 24 - Posters

14:00-16:00: Poster session 2

Paper 208: Bit Domain Encryption

Author(s): Anil Kr Yekkala and Veni Madhavan C.E.

Paper 209: Foliage Recognition based on Local Edge Information

Author(s): David Van Hamme, Peter Veelaert, Wilfried Philips, Kristof Teelen, Niels Stevens and Bart Vermeersch

Paper 210: A Pseudo-Logarithmic Image Processing Framework for Edge Detection

Author(s): Constantin Vertan, Alina Oprea, Corneliu Florea and Laura Florea

Paper 212: On bin configuration of shape context descriptors in human silhouette classification

Author(s): Mark Barnard and Janne Heikkilä

Paper 218: Graffiti detection using a Time-Of-Flight camera

Author(s): Federico Tombari, Luigi Di Stefano, Stefano Mattoccia and Andrea Zanetti

Paper 222: A multiresolution robust watermarking approach for scalable wavelet image compression

Author(s): Habibollah Danyali and Mehran Deljavan Amiri

Paper 224: Kernel Based Approach for High Dimensional Heterogeneous Image Features Management in CBIR Context

Author(s): Imane Daoudi, Khalid Idrissi and Said El Alaoui Ouatik

Paper 226: Open or Closed Mouth State Detection: Static Supervised Classification Based on Log-polar Signature

Author(s): Christian Bouvier, Alexandre Benoit, Alice Caplier and Pierre-Yves Coulon

Paper 229: Contour Detection for Industrial Image Processing by Means of Level Set Methods

Author(s): Julien Marot, Yannick Caulier, Andreas Kuleschov, Klaus Spinnler and Salah Bourennane

Paper 231: MIDIAS: An Integrated 2D/3D Sensor System for Safety Applications

Author(s): Tobias Hanning and Aless Lasaruk

Paper 232: Knee Point Detection in BIC for Detecting the Number of Clusters

Author(s): Qinpei Zhao, Ville Hautamaki and Pasi Fränti

Paper 233: Grey-scale Morphology with Spatially-Variant Rectangles in Linear Time

Author(s): Petr Dokladal and Eva Dokladalova

Paper 234: Image Segmentation Based on Supernodes and Region Size Estimation

Author(s): Yuan Yuan, Lihong Ma and Hanqing Lu

Paper 238: Configurable passband imaging spectrometer based on acousto-optic tunable filter

Author(s): Joan Vila-Francés, Luis Gomez-Chova, Julia Amorós-López and Javier Calpe-Maravilla

Paper 241: An Image Quality Metric Based on a Colour Appearance Model

Author(s): Li Cui and Alastair R Allen

Paper 242: Synchronizing Video Sequences from Temporal Epipolar Lines Analysis

Author(s): Vincent Guitteny, Ryad Benosman and Christophe Charbuillet

Paper 246: Gabor Filter-Based Fingerprint Anti-Spoofing

Author(s): Shankar Bhausaheb Nikam and Suneeta Agarwal

Paper 247: Scene Reconstruction using MRF Optimization with Image Content Adaptive Energy Functions

Author(s): Ping li, Rene Klein Gunnewiek and Peter H. N. de With

Paper 250: Breast Mass Segmentation in Mammographic Images by an Effective Region Growing Algorithm

Author(s): Arianna Mencattini, Giulia Rabottino, Marcello Salmeri, Roberto Lojacono and Emanule Colini

Paper 251: Blur and Contrast Invariant Fast Stereo Matching

Author(s): Matteo Pedone and Janne Heikkilä

Paper 253: Fuzzy Rule Iterative Feature Selection (FRIFS) with respect to the Choquet Integral apply to fabric Defect Recognition

Author(s): Emmanuel Schmitt, Vincent Bombardier and Laurent Wendling

Paper 254: Simple and Robust Optic Disc Localisation using Colour Decorrelated Templates

Author(s): Tomi Kauppi and Heikki Kälviäinen

Paper 255: Basic Video-Surveillance with Low Computational and Power Requirements Using Long-Exposure Frames

Author(s): Vincenzo Caglioti and Alessandro Giusti

Paper 256: Parallel Algorithm for Concurrent Computation of Connected Component Tree

Author(s): Petr Matas, Eva Dokladalova, Mohamed Akil, Thierry Grandpierre, Laurent Najman, Martin Poupa and Vjaceslav Georgiev

Paper 257: Improved Infrared Face Identification Performance using Nonuniformity Correction Techniques

Author(s): Cesar San Martin, Pablo Meza, Sergio Torres and Carrillo Roberto

Paper 258: Active Contours without Edges and with Simple Shape Priors

Author(s): Eduard Sojka, Jan Gaura and Michal Krumnikl

Paper 260: Distributed Smart Camera Calibration using Blinking LED

Author(s): Michael Koch, Zoran Zivkovic, Richard Kleihorst and Henk Corporaal

Paper 261: Real-Time Hough Transform on 1-D SIMD Processors: Implementation and Architecture Exploration

Author(s): Yifan He, Zoran Zivkovic, Richard Kleihorst, Danilin Alexander, Henk Corporaal and Bart Mesman

Paper 262: Defocus Blur Correcting Projector-Camera System

Author(s): Yuji Oyamada and Hideo Saito

Paper 269: Improving Image Vector Quantization with a Genetic Accelerated K-means Algorithm

Author(s): Carlos R. B. Azevedo, Tiago A. E. Ferreira, Waslon T. A. Lopes and Francisco Madeiro

Paper 271: Constrained Phase-Based Personalized Facial Feature Tracking

Author(s): Mohamed Dahmane and Jean Meunier

Paper 281: Automatic Feature-based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter

Author(s): Carlos R. del-Blanco, Fernando Jaureguizar, Luis Salgado and Narciso García

Paper 283: A Generalized Appriou's Model for Evidential Classification of Multispectral Images: A Case Study of Algiers City

Author(s): Abdenour Bouakache, Radja Khedam, Aichouche Belhadj-Aissa and Grégoire Mercier

Paper 284: Multidimensional noise removal method based on PARAFAC decomposition

Author(s): Florian Joyeux, Damien Letexier, Salah Bourennane, and Jacques Blanc-Talon

Paper 285: Sub-Optimal Camera Selection in Practical Vision Networks through Shape Approximation

Author(s): Huang Lee, Linda Tessens, Marleen Morbee, Hamid Aghajan and Wilfried Philips


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