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Acivs 2006

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Sept. 18-21, 2006

University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

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Acivs 2006 Invited Speakers' Biographies

Kathrin Berkner

Kathrin Berkner received her Diplom in Mathematics from the University of Hanover, Germany (1992) and Ph.D in mathematics from the University of Bremen, Germany (1996). After her graduation she was awarded a Feodor-Lynnen fellowship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation that enabled her to join the wavelet group at Rice University, Houston, TX, headed by Prof. Raymond O. Wells, Prof. Sidney Burrus, and Prof. Richard Baraniuk, as a postdoctoral researcher. Her work focused on the use of non-critically sampled wavelet transforms for image analysis and denoising.

After two postdoc years at Rice University, Kathrin joined Ricoh Innovations, a research facility of Ricoh (Japan) in Menlo Park, California. She has been a senior research scientist in the Color Image Processing group at Ricoh Innovations where she applied her knowledge on multiresolution data representation to a variety of document processing problems. In 2003 she was awarded Ricoh's prestigious "Minori" award for development of a wavelet-based enhancement for Ricoh's multifunction products. More recently her interest is in combining image-and text-based representations of document information in order develop frameworks that enable content- and device-dependent rendering of document information. She enjoys cross-disciplinary work combining applied mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science and usability research.

Besides publications in academic journals and proceedings, Kathrin Berkner has more than 20 pending patents in the area of document processing and was pictured twice in Ricoh's official annual technology report series. She is also on the organizing committee of the newly established Electronic Publishing Conference (SPIE - Electronic Imaging).



Nikos Paragios

Nikos Paragios received his B.Sc. (highest honors, valedictorian) and M.Sc. (highest honors) in Computer Science [ University of Crete (Greece) - 1994,1996] , Ph.D. (highest honors) in electrical and computer engineering [ I.N.R.I.A. , 2000] and Habilitation a Diriger de Recherches (HDR) [ University of Nice/Sophia Antipolis (France), 2005)].

He is now full professor at the Ecole Centrale de Paris, one of the most prestigious engineering schools (Grandes Ecoles) in France leading the medical imaging and computer vision group at the Applied Mathematics and Systems laboratory (MAS). Prior to that he was professor (2004-2005) at the Ecole Nationale de Ponts et Chaussees, leading the Atlantis (vision & augmented reality) research group at the Center for Research in Computer Science (CERTIS), was affiliated with Siemens Corporate Research (Princeton, NJ) as a project manager (leading the smart cameras and machine vision group) (2002-2004), senior research scientist (2004) at the Real-time Vision and Modeling Department and research scientist (1999-2003) at the Imaging and Visualiztion Department. In 2002 he was an adjunct professor at Rutgers University and in 2004 at New York University.

Professor Paragios has co-edited three books (the first in Mathematical Methods in CV, the second in Level Set Methods and the third in Video-based Surveillance), published more than sixty papers in the most prestigious journals and conferences of computer vision and has more than ten pending patents in the area of medical image analysis. His research interests include image processing, computer vision, augmented reality and medical image analysis. He is a Senior member of IEEE, member of the SIAM, member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Computer Vision and has served several times as a guest editor for the most prestigious journals of computer Vision.


Dimitri Van de Ville

Dimitri Van De Ville is a senior member of the Biomedical Imaging Group, headed by Prof. Michael Unser. He is responsible for the Signal Processing Antenna of the Centre d'Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG).

In 1998, he received an Engineering Degree in Computer Sciences from Ghent University, Belgium. After his graduation, he obtained a grant of Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders, Belgium (FWO) at the Medical Signal and Image Processing group within the Department of Electronics and Information Systems (ELIS), Ghent University, Belgium. On 8th January 2002, he obtained his Ph.D. entitled "Linear, Non-linear, and Fuzzy Logic based Image-Resampling Techniques."

From April 2002 until October 2002, he was a visiting research fellow at the Biomedical Imaging Group of Prof. Michael Unser at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) near the lake of Leman in Lausanne (VD), Switzerland. From October 2002, he is continuing his research at the same laboratory.

Dimitri Van De Ville is Editor of The Wavelet Digest, a non-commercial electronic newsletter for the wavelet community with more than 20000 subscribers. Further on, he is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Letters (from February 2004 on) and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (from February 2006 on). He is also organizing the Wavelets and Applications semester with Michael Unser and Martin Vetterli, which is supported by the Bernoulli Center of the EPFL. The key event will be an international conference (WaVE2006) to be held at the EPFL from 10 to 14 July, 2006.

Dimitri was born in Dendermonde, Belgium on May 24, 1975. He married Heide Durant in April 2000. Their son, Matteo, was born on May 6, 2004.



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