The template provided here can be used with latex and/or pdflatex. use with latex: ---------------- #run latex and bibtex to produce a dvi-style latex mirage2005 bibtex mirage2005 latex mirage2005 #needed TWICE to get references right latex mirage2005 # #produce postscript that will display properly when converted to pdf dvips -Pwww mirage2005 #make pdf by using Adobe Acrobat Distiller (commercial program #available on windows and on some unix platforms) or by using the #following command ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 #don't forget: A4 #use either of the following commands to check if your pdf #displays and prints correctly: acroread mirage2005.pdf xpdf mirage2005.pdf use with pdflatex: ---------------- #note: pdflatex only supports a limited number of picture formats #in particular it does NOT support eps-figures. However, you can #easily convert eps-figures to pdf-figures using the command epstopdf #which is part of the ghostscript distribution #run latex and bibtex to produce a dvi-style pdflatex mirage2005 bibtex mirage2005 pdflatex mirage2005 #needed TWICE to get references right pdflatex mirage2005 # #use either of the following commands to check if your pdf #displays and prints correctly: acroread mirage2005.pdf xpdf mirage2005.pdf