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Acivs 2023

August 21-22, 2023

Kumamoto, Japan


Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems


Acivs 2023 Conference program

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Acivs 2023 is a conference focusing on techniques for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Acivs 2023 consists of five days of lecture sessions, both regular (25 mns) and invited presentations and two poster sessions. To ensure a large audience for each oral presentation or poster, there will be no parallel sessions.


If you wish to participate in the conference, please register online.

The conference fee includes the social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and social activities) and a copy of the LNCS conference proceedings.

The exact amount of the registration fee depends on whether or not you register early and on some other factors.

Before July 7, 2023 After July 7, 2023
Regular 650 EUR/1,150 NZD/100,000 JPY 700 EUR/1,230 NZD/110,000 JPY
600 EUR/1,050 NZD/95,000 JPY 700 EUR/1,230 NZD/110,000 JPY
Student 400 EUR/700 NZD/62,000 JPY 450 EUR/800 NZD/70,000 JPY

Time schedule

Monday, August 21

08:30-12:00: Registration

09:00-09:15: Opening session

09:15-10:30: Computer vision

Paper 120: Less-than-one shot 3d segmentation hijacking a pre-trained space-time memory network

Author(s): Cyril Li, Christophe Ducottet, Sylvain Desroziers and Maxime Moreaud

Paper 115: Age-Invariant Face Recognition using Face Feature Vectors and Embedded Prototype Subspace Classifiers

Author(s): Anders Hast

Paper 104: A hybrid quantum-classical segment-based Stereo Matching algorithm

Author(s): Shahrokh Heidari and Patrice Delmas

10:30-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-12:00: Affective Computing and Human Interactions (1/2)

Paper 118: BENet: A lightweight bottom-up framework for context-aware emotion recognition

Author(s): Tristan Cladière, Olivier Alata, Christophe Ducottet, Hubert Konik and Anne-Claire Legrand

Paper 140: Improved Obstructed Facial Feature Reconstruction for Emotion Recognition with Minimal Change CycleGANs

Author(s): Tim Büchner, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius and Joachim Denzler

Paper 138: Image Acquisition by Image Retrieval with Color Aesthetics

Author(s): Huei-Fang Lin and Huei-Yung Lin

12:00-12:30: Lunch break

12:30-14:30: Visit to Kumamoto Castle

Included in the registration fee.

14:30-16:00: IROAST session (invited IROAST presentations)

16:00-18:00: Poster Session 1

Paper 141: Quality assessment for high dynamic range stereoscopic omnidirectional image system

Author(s): Cao Liuyan, Jiang Hao, Jiang Zhidi, You Jihao, Yu Mei and Jiang Gangyi

Paper 154: Enhanced Color QR Codes with Resilient Error Correction for Dirt-Prone Surfaces

Author(s): Minh Nguyen

Paper 146: Underwater mussel segmentation using smoothed shape descriptors with random forest

Author(s): David Arturo Soriano Valdez, Mihailo Azhar, Alfonso Gastelum Strozzi, Jen Hillman, Simon Thrush and Patrice Delmas

Paper 110: Person activity classification from an aerial sensor based on a multi-level deep features

Author(s): Fatma Bouhlel, Hazar Mliki and Mohamed Hammami

Paper 111: Person Quick-Search Approach based on a Facial Semantic Attributes Description

Author(s): Sahar Dammak, Mliki Hazar and Emna Fendri

Paper 107: Descriptive and coherent paragraph generation for image paragraph captioning using vision transformer and post-processing

Author(s): Naveen Vakada and Chandra Sekhar C

Paper 129: Multimodal Emotion Recognition System Through Three Different Channels (MER-3C)

Author(s): Nouha Khediri, Mohammed Ben Ammar and Monji Kherallah

Paper 150: A 2D Cortical Flat Map Space for Computationally Efficient Mammalian Brain simulation

Author(s): Alexander Woodward, Rui Gong, Ken Nakae and Patrice Delmas

18:00-18:30: Springer Award of the Best Student Paper

19:30-20:30: Opening reception


Tuesday, August 22

09:00-10:40: Computer vision (2/2)

Paper 105: Continuous Exposure for Extreme Low-Light Imaging

Author(s): Evgeny evgeny Hershkovitch Neiterman, Michael Klyuchka and Gil Ben-Artzi

Paper 124: A Single Image Neuro-Geometric Depth Estimation

Author(s): George Dimas, Panagiota Gatoula and Dimitris Iakovidis

Paper 108: Pyramid Swin Transformer for Multi-Task: Expanding to more computer vision tasks

Author(s): Chenyu Wang, Toshio Endo, Takahiro Hirofuchi and Tsutomu Ikegami

Paper 131: A Contrario Mosaic Analysis for Image Forensics

Author(s): Quentin Bammey

10:40-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:15: Managing the biodiversity

Paper 151: Construction of a novel data set for pedestrian tree species detection using google street view data

Author(s): Martin Ooi, David Soriano Valdez, Mitchell Rogers, Rachel Ababou, Patrice Jean Delmas and Kaiqi Zhao

Paper 142: Genetic Programming with Convolutional Operators for Albatross Nest Detection from Satellite Imaging

Author(s): Mitchell Rogers, Igor Debski, Johannes Fischer, Peter McComb, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang, and Patrice Delmas

Paper 106: Semi-supervised Classification and Segmentation of Forest Fire using Autoencoders

Author(s): Akash Koottungal, Shailesh Pandey and Athira Nambiar

12:15-12:40: Lunch break

12:40-14:45: Robotics and drones

Paper 119: Yolopoint: Joint Keypoint and Object Detection

Author(s): Anton Backhaus, Thorsten Luettel and Hans-Joachim Wuensche

Paper 121: Segmentation of Range-Azimuth Maps of FMCW radars with a deep convolutional neural network

Author(s): Pieter Meiresone, David Van Hamme and Wilfried Philips

Paper 122: Upsampling Data Challenge: Object-aware Approach for 3D Object Detection in Rain

Author(s): Richard Capraru, Jian-Gang Wang and Boon Hee Soong

Paper 130: Multi-Modal Obstacle Avoidance in USVs via Anomaly Detection and Cascaded Datasets

Author(s): Tilen Cvenkel, Marija Ivanovska, Jon Muhovič and Janez Perš

Paper 145: Reinforcement Learning for truck Eco-driving: a serious game as driving assistance system

Author(s): Mohamed Fassih, Anne-Sophie Capelle-Laizé, Pierre-Yves Boisbunon and Philippe Carré

14:45-15:05: Coffee break

15:05-16:20: Machine Learning

Paper 152: Texture-based Data Augmentation for Small Datasets

Author(s): Amanda Dash and Alexandra Branzan Albu

Paper 127: A Deep Learning Approach to Segment High-Content Images of the E.coli Bacteria

Author(s): Dat Q. Duong, Tuan-Anh Tran, Phuong Nhi Nguyen Kieu, Nguyen K. Tien, Bao H. Le, Stephen Baker and Binh T. Nguyen

Paper 137: Iris Segmentation Technique Using Iris-UNet Method

Author(s): Poovayar Priya M and Ezhilarasan M

16:20-17:10: Affective Computing and Human Interactions (2/2)

Paper 153: Multimodal Representations for Teacher-Guided Compositional Visual Reasoning

Author(s): Wafa Aissa, Marin Ferecatu and Michel Crucianu

Paper 125: Wave-shaping Neural Activation for Improved 3D Model Reconstruction from Sparse Point Clouds

Author(s): George Triantafyllou, George Dimas, Panagiotis Kalozoumis and Dimitris Iakovidis

17:10-: End of the ACIVS conference

19:00-21:00: Conference dinner

Included in the registration fee.


Wednesday, August 23

10:00-12:00: Visit to the Kumamoto University Lab


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