Acivs 2011

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

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Aug. 22-25 2011

Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium


Acivs 2011 List of papers

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Invited papers

Paper 226: Camera-based sensory substitution and augmented reality for the blind

Author(s): Peter Meijer

Paper 227: Distributed Smart Cameras for Health and Wellbeing

Author(s): Ben Kröse

Paper 228: The tale of 1000 cameras

Author(s): Lambert Spaanenburg

Paper 229: Computers Seeing Humans --- Vision-based Perception of Humans for Smart Environments and Other Applications

Author(s): Rainer Stiefelhagen

Paper 230: Optical Issues in the Paintings of Jan Van Eyck

Author(s): Marc De Mey

Regular papers

Paper 104: A Low-Cost System to Detect Bunches of Grapes in Natural environment from Color images

Author(s): Manuel Reis, Raul Morais, Carlos Pereira, Olga Contente, Miguel Bacelar, Salviano Soares, António Valente, José Baptista, Paulo Ferreira, José Bulas-Cruz

Paper 107: Content Makes the Difference in Compression Standard Quality Assessment

Author(s): Guido Manfredi, Djemel Ziou, Marie-Flavie Auclair-Fortier

Paper 109: A Geographical Approach to Self-Organizing Maps Algorithm Applied to Image Segmentation

Author(s): Thales Korting, Leila Fonseca, Gilberto Câmara

Paper 111: Temporal Prediction and Spatial Regularization in Differential Optical Flow

Author(s): Matthias Hoeffken, Daniel Oberhoff, Marina Kolesnik

Paper 112: Improved Support Vector Machines with Distance Metric Learning

Author(s): Liu Yunqiang, Caselles Vicent

Paper 115: Fourier Fractal Descriptors for Colored Texture Analysis

Author(s): João Florindo, Odemir Bruno

Paper 117: A Biologically Inspired Image Coder with Temporal Scalability

Author(s): Khaled Masmoudi, Marc Antonini, Pierre Kornprobst

Paper 122: Human Identification Based on Gait Paths

Author(s): Adam Switonski, Andrzej Polanski, Konrad Wojciechowski

Paper 123: DTW for Matching Radon Features - A Pattern Recognition and Retrieval Method

Author(s): Santosh K.C., Bart Lamiroy, Laurent Wendling

Paper 124: Supervised Visual Vocabulary with Category Information

Author(s): Liu Yunqiang, Caselles Vicent

Paper 125: Robust Visual Odometry using Uncertainty Models

Author(s): David Van Hamme, Peter Veelaert, Wilfried Philips

Paper 127: A Space-Time Depth Super-Resolution Scheme For 3D Face Scanning

Author(s): Karima Ouji, Mohsen Ardabilian, Liming Chen, Faouzi Ghorbel

Paper 128: Robust Active Contour Segmentation with an Efficient Global Optimizer

Author(s): Jonas De Vylder, Jan Aelterman, Wilfried Philips

Paper 132: Image Sharpening by DWT-Based Hysteresis

Author(s): Nuhman ul Haq, Khizar Hayat, Neelum Noreen, William Puech

Paper 134: Underwater Image Enhancement: Using Wavelength Compensation and Image Dehazing (WCID)

Author(s): John Chiang, Ying-Ching Chen, Yung-Fu Chen

Paper 136: Dynamic Texture Analysis and Classification using Deterministic Partially Self-avoiding Walks

Author(s): Wesley Gonçalves, Odemir Bruno

Paper 137: Self-Similarity Measure for Assessment of Image Visual Quality

Author(s): Nikolay Ponomarenko, Lina Jin, Vladimir Lukin, Karen Egiazarian

Paper 141: Swarm Intelligence Based Searching Schemes for Articulated 3D Body Motion Tracking

Author(s): Bogdan Kwolek, Tomasz Krzeszowski, Konrad Wojciechowski

Paper 144: A Multi-Layer `gas of circles' Markov Random Field Model for the Extraction of Overlapping Near-Circular Objects

Author(s): Jozsef Nemeth, Zoltan Kato, Ian Jermyn

Paper 148: Relation Learning - A New Approach to Face Recognition

Author(s): Len Bui, Dat Tran, Xu Huang, Girija Chetty

Paper 149: Parallel Implementation of the Integral Histogram

Author(s): Pieter Bellens, Kannappan Palaniappan, Rosa M. Badia, Guna Seetharaman, Jesus Labarta

Paper 152: 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Histograms of Surface Differential Quantities

Author(s): Huibin Li, Jean-Marie Morvan, Liming Chen

Paper 153: Enhancing the Texture Attribute with Partial Differential Equations: a Case of Study with Gabor Filters

Author(s): Bruno Machado, Wesley Gonçalves, Bruno Bruno

Paper 154: Real-Time Depth Estimation with Wide Detectable Range using Horizontal Planes of Sharp Focus Proceedings

Author(s): Hiroshi Ikeoka, Masayuki Ohata, Takayuki Hamamoto

Paper 156: Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D Models for Orthodontics

Author(s): Raphaël Destrez, Benjamin Albouy-Kissi, Sylvie Treuillet, Yves Lucas, Arnaud Marchadier

Paper 157: Feasibility Analysis of Ultra High Frame Rate Visual Servoing on FPGA and SIMD Processor

Author(s): Yifan He, Zhenyu Ye, Dongrui She, Bart Mesman, Henk Corporaal

Paper 159: Efficiency Optimization of Trainable Feature Extractors for a Consumer Platform

Author(s): Maurice Peemen, Bart Mesman, Henk Corporaal

Paper 160: hSGM: Hierarchical Pyramid based Stereo Matching Algorithm

Author(s): Kwang Hee Won, Soon Ki Jung

Paper 162: Analysis of Wear Debris Through Classification

Author(s): Roman Juránek, Stanislav Machalík, Pavel Zemcík

Paper 163: System on Chip Coprocessors for High Speed Image Feature Detection and Matching

Author(s): Marek Kraft, Michal Fularz, Andrzej Kasinski

Paper 165: Combining Linear Dimensionality Reduction and Locality Preserving Projections with Feature Selection for Recognition Tasks

Author(s): Fadi Dornaika, Ammar Assoum, Alireza Bosaghzadeh

Paper 166: Hierarchical Blurring Mean-Shift

Author(s): Milan Surkala, Karel Mozdren, Radovan Fusek, Eduard Sojka

Paper 168: Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms from the Perspective of Salient Region Detection

Author(s): Bogdan Popescu, Andreea Iancu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marius Brezovan, Eugen Ganea

Paper 170: Ridges and Valleys Detection in Images using Difference of Half Rotating Smoothing Filters

Author(s): Baptiste Magnier, Philippe Montesinos, Daniel Diep

Paper 171: Surface Reconstruction of Rotating Objects from Monocular Video

Author(s): Charlotte Boden, Abhir Bhalerao

Paper 172: Combining Plane Estimation with Shape Detection for Holistic Scene Understanding

Author(s): Kai Zhou, Andreas Richtsfeld, Karthik Mahesh Varadarajan, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze

Paper 173: Calibration and Reconstruction Algorithms for a Handheld 3D Laser Scanner

Author(s): Denis Lamovsky, Aless Lasaruk

Paper 178: A Method to Generate Articial 2D Shape Contour Based in Fourier Transform and Genetic Algorithms

Author(s): Maurício Falvo, João Florindo, Odemir Bruno

Paper 180: Facial Feature Tracking for Emotional Dynamic Analysis

Author(s): Thibaud Senechal, Vincent Rapp, Lionel Prevost

Paper 181: Salient Region Detection using Discriminative Feature Selection

Author(s): HyunCheol Kim, Whoi-Yul Kim

Paper 182: Detection of Human Groups in Videos

Author(s): Selcuk Sandikci, Svitlana Zinger, Peter H.N. de With

Paper 183: Precise Registration of 3D Images Acquired from a Hand-Held Visual Sensor

Author(s): Benjamin Coudrin, Michel Devy, Jean-José Orteu, Ludovic Brèthes

Paper 184: Image Analysis Applied to Morphological Assessment in Bovine Livestock

Author(s): Horacio González-Velasco, Carlos García-Orellana, Miguel Macías-Macías, Ramón Gallardo-Caballero, Antonio García-Manso

Paper 187: Simple Single View Scene Calibration

Author(s): Bronislav Pribyl, Pavel Zemcik

Paper 188: Mutual Information Refinement for Flash-no-Flash Image Alignment

Author(s): Sami Varjo, Jari Hannuksela, Olli Silvén, Sakari Alenius

Paper 192: A New Anticorrelation-based Spectral Clustering Formulation

Author(s): Julia Dietlmeier, Ovidiu Ghita, Paul Whelan

Paper 193: Nonparametric Estimation of Fisher Vectors to Aggregate Image Descriptors

Author(s): Hervé Le Borgne, Pablo Munoz Fuentes

Paper 195: A 3-D Tube Scanning Technique based on Axis and Center Alignment of Multi-Laser Triangulation

Author(s): Seung-Hae Baek, Soon Yong Park

Paper 196: Curve-Skeletons Based on the Fat Graph Approximation

Author(s): Denis Khromov

Paper 199: Segmentation Based Tone-mapping for High Dynamic Range Images

Author(s): Qiyuan Tian, Jiang Duan, Min Chen, Tao Peng

Paper 201: Feature Space Warping Relevance Feedback With Transductive Learning

Author(s): Daniele Borghesani, Dalia Coppi, Costantino Grana, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara

Paper 202: Estimation of Human Orientation in Images Captured with a Range Camera

Author(s): Sébastien Piérard, Damien Leroy, Jean-Frédéric Hansen, Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Paper 205: Automatic Occlusion Removal from Facades for 3D Urban Reconstruction

Author(s): Chris Engels, David Tingdahl, Mathias Vercruysse, Tinne Tuytelaars, Hichem Sahli, Luc Van Gool

Paper 207: Fast Hough Transform on GPUs: Exploration of Algorithm Trade-offs

Author(s): Gert-Jan van den Braak, Cedric Nugteren, Bart Mesman, Henk Corporaal

Paper 209: Knowledge Driven Saliency: Attention to the Unseen

Author(s): M. Zaheer Aziz, Michael Knopf, Bärbel Mertsching

Paper 210: Quantifying Appearance Retention in Carpets using Geometrical Local Binary Patterns

Author(s): Rolando Quinones, Sergio Orjuela, Benhur Ortiz-Jaramillo, Lieva Van Langenhove, Wilfried Philips

Paper 211: Virtual Restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece Using Crack Detection and Inpainting

Author(s): Tijana Ruzic, Bruno Cornelis, Ljiljana Platisa, Aleksandra Pizurica, Ann Dooms, Wilfried Philips, Maximiliaan Martens, Marc De Mey, Ingrid Daubechies

Paper 212: Image Segmentation Based on Electrical Proximity in a Resistor-Capacitor Network

Author(s): Jan Gaura, Eduard Sojka, Michal Krumnikl

Paper 213: Constrast Enhanced Ultrasound Images Restoration

Author(s): Adelaide Albouy-kissi, Stephane Cormier, Bertrand Zavidovique, Francois Tranquart

Paper 216: A Comparative Study of Vision-based Lane Detection Methods

Author(s): Nadra Ben Romdhane, Mohamed Hammami, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah

Paper 218: Separating Occluded Humans by Bayesian Pixel Classifier with Re-weighted Posterior Probability

Author(s): Daehwan Kim, Yeonho Kim, Daijin Kim

Paper 219: A New Multi-Camera Approach For Lane Departure Warning

Author(s): Amol Borkar, Monson Hayes, Mark Smith

Paper 220: An Edge-based Approach for Robust Foreground Detection

Author(s): Sebastian Gruenwedel, Peter Van Hese, Wilfried Philips

Paper 223: Simultaneous Partitioned Sampling for Articulated Object Tracking

Author(s): Christophe Gonzales, Séverine Dubuisson, Xan Son N'Guyen

Paper 224: Video Stippling

Author(s): Thomas Houit, Frank Nielsen

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