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Acivs 2009

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Organized by the SEE

September 28 - October 2, 2009

Mercure Chateau Chartrons, Bordeaux, France

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Benelux Signal
Processing Chapter

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Acivs 2009 Invited Speakers' Biographies

Patrick S.P. Wang

Professor Patrick Shen-Pei Wang is tenured full professor of computer science at College of Computer and Information Science of Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. He is now Zi-Jiang Visiting Chair Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology of the prestigious East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. He is also an MIT Research Consultant, as well as adjunct faculty of Computer Science at Harvard University.

Professor Wang is Fellow of the IAPR (International Association of Pattern Recognition) and co-founding chief editor of IJPRAI(International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence), and the WSP MPAI Book Series.


Presentation: To be announced.

Steve Sangwine

Dr Steve Sangwine is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Essex, working in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. He is a Fellow of the IET (UK) and a Senior Member of the IEEE. His research interests are in hypercomplex signal and image processing, particularly applied to colour images, working with collaborators in the USA and France. He is co-author with Nicolas Le Bihan of the QTFM toolbox for Matlab which makes it possible to use Matlab on quaternion matrices and data.

He is co-editor of The Colour Image Processing Handbook (Chapman and Hall, March 1998).


Presentation: Colour image processing by linear vector methods using projective geometric transformations.

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