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Acivs 2008

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Organized by the SEE

October 20-24, 2008

Ambassadeur hotel, Juan-les-Pins, France

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Acivs 2008 Abstracts

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Invited papers

Paper 288: Marked point processes for object detection in high resolution images. Application to Earth observation and cartography

Author(s): Josiane Zerubia

To be announced.

Paper 289: To be announced

Author(s): Marc Antonini

To be announced.

Paper 290: Geometrically oriented wavelet transforms using rational dilations

Author(s): Ivan Selesnick

Wavelet transforms (WTs) are used in various image processing applications including compression, denoising, deconvolution, de-quantization, and classification. In the dyadic WT, the resolution is doubled from one one level to the next. For WTs based on rational dilation factors between one and two, the resolution increases more gradually; however, the design and implementation of critically-sampled 'rational' WTs can be difficult. This talk will show that by over-sampling, the design and implementation of rational WTs is greatly simplified and their performance improved. Perfect reconstruction filters can be designed to have a specified number of vanishing moments and minimal length, or can be designed in the frequency domain. In addition, the presented overcomplete WT (or 'frame') is approximately shift-invariant and compares favorably with the un-decimated WT yet is less redundant. We will also show geometrically oriented rational WTs based on the dual-tree complex WT and steerable-pyramid schemes, with applications in image processing.

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